As gay Pride month is drawing to a close, I thought I would make a sort of pridish video featuring of course, King Taylor. This is a very special song and it sure goes well with such a special young man!! I love and miss you Taylor and where ever you are, always know you are in my heart!!
money can't buy you class.... elegance is learned... my friend. words by real housewive of new york's, the countess Luann. his majesty is divine elegance. love you taylor! :)
ahh... finally, summer has arrived and his majesty is overheating. oh NO! king taylor has turned yellow from the scorching sun in florida. quick, someone, get some ice cubes and some cold water to cool off the king. hurry!!! before it's tooooo late!!! i'm CPR certified in case tay tay passes out. :D
awww... king taylor & his prince roomba. :) i didn't think i would miss roomba, but i honestly do because roomba reminds me of taylor. everywhere taylor went, roomba went too. lol. taylor took good care of roomba & good care of his knights.
the first, is the beautiful bird-of-paradise flower, resembling a brightly colored bird in flight. when in full bloom, it's magnificent. the second, is duhrrr.... his majesty. lol.
"What you got boy is hard to find, I think about it all the time."
What can I say? We really had an amazing journey with Taylor! It's something that I will forever remember with a smile. It may not seem that way sometimes but trust me, I will never ever forget ;-)
Note: Credit for this video is not mine. I found it on youtube and just "Taylored" it a bit.
his majesty, is procrastinating over what flavor of waffles to have for breakfast. so many scrumptious choices available. taylor, ultimately decides on chocolate chip right? nope. strawberry? nope. blueberry? nope. ahhh.. it must be banana? wrong again. IT'S CHOCOLATE! :D fabulous choice taylor!