obviously, paris did not learn her lesson and would rather spend an extended jail sentence this time around. paris, was caught with felony cocaine possession last friday. paris, can get anywhere from probation, up to four years in prison. since this is her second offense and she apparently didn't learn anything the first time, i'm hoping for at least a year in prison. the world would be a better place.
to all knights, kings & princesses: please obey the law and be a good citizen of the world like howdy & king taylor. mahalo :)
on this day, his majesty was singing songs for members that had their names in the song. Felic (pronounced fe-leech) was the lucky member who taylor chose to sing felic navidad to. lol. in this photo, taylor is singing the part it says "from the bottom of my heart." awww. lol. if my memory is accurate, i don't think Felic appreciated being associated with this song. lol.
Opens in theaters this Friday. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia is a 2006 memoir by American author Elizabeth Gilbert. The memoir chronicles the author's trip around the world after her divorce, and what she discovered during her travels. Awww, Julia Roberts & King Taylor share a moment in India. lol.
According to Mr. Leo, his majesty, king taylor, is in another country; A young, world traveler at 23. What country do you think king taylor is roaming? Germany, Italy, Spain, France? Perhaps Sweden, Norway or Finland? Wherever art thou, i know he will be just FINE. :)