Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Glossary of Taylorisms

thizz face: Taylor's favorite facial expression, no doubt because it comes with its own song and dance. As for what it means, allow me to quote "the expression on one's face after taking ecstasy/MDMA. A proper thizz face includes one's teeth grinding together. The expression is often compared to the look one gets after smelling urine."

rejoice: what one does after orgasm, to celebrate the pure joy of living.

turd burglar: Taylor's insult of choice, used (mostly) affectionately, of course. Not sure exactly what it means, though....

dirty Sanchez: sticking your finger up the ass of your sex partner and wiping it under the poor person's nose. Who knew straight guys were so nasty? OK, don't answer that.

reverse cowgirl: Taylor's favorite sexual position--woman on top, facing away from the guy.

slowpoke: what Taylor calls you when you're slow to log in for a private. (Don't ask how I know this.)

unstoppable: Taylor's description of himself, used to reassure those of us who got a bit freaked out by the news that he'd gotten clocked in the side of the head during the tragic and already-famous Fratpad Halloween fracas of 2008.

Cincinnati bowtie: Taylor mentioned this once but didn't explain it. It's a very intriguing term. Anyone know what it means? Something dirty, I'm sure.

rusty trombone: this one's too dirty and complicated for me to explain. Look it up for yourselves.

Toad Guacamole: a variation of "pochaco," which emerged at the end of an inspired stream-of-consciousness riff on pochaco's name.


richman said...

Great Taylor expressions dictionary, Professor. Though i couln't understand half of it, I've had a blast!!!!!

richman said...

Professor, I've laughed my ass out.

howdy said...

bravo professor! WOW! i feel like i've just been schooled! now...exactly when does spring semester start again?

adi wira said...

in malay say ... HEBAT .. amazing wriring dude ...

Anonymous said...

love the description of the Thizz face! That is all that there is to the Thizz face, put a look on your face like you smell some piss!!! that is all that there is to it!!