Friday, June 19, 2009

Stock Challenge - Week #2

how quick time flys when you're "in the money." week one was all about "HELL_YEAH" leading the game at #1. for some reason HELL_YEAH dropped off the list. perhaps he is toying with us? HELL_YEAH is back in the game at #5. whatever the case may be, we have a NEW #1. Congrats to King Taylor for topping the list in week two of the stock challenge.

there are 4 fratmen in the top 20. King Taylor leads all participants at #1, followed by Mr. Banks a.k.a. Fratmen Calvin, then the originator of the game FMLEO and rounding out the top 20 is FMGRADY. leading the members are Tyreese, Joshii and HELL_YEAH at numbers 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

according to Fratmen Calvin, if howdy stays in last place, then LEO will be giving away a FREE membership monthly, until the game is completed. obviously LEO is making this claim because he is confident that howdy is so AMAZING in every way, that howdy will be ranked very high with a quickness. awwww LEO thanks!! so don't get your hopes up guys, cause by the end of the month howdy will be leading EVERYBODY! hollurrrr!! :)

click on the pic for a complete list of participants OR to join the game. Game ID is: Fratpad2009
come on members let's go! let's start taking OVER this game. King Taylor enjoy your stay at the top because the members are gonna woop some ass next week!


pochaco said...

Uhmm, I still doesn't see your name HOney :-?
Ang look who's lucky number 13?

JustJayJ. said...

I'm in the Top Ten. Yay for me. Warning to anyone who is ahead of me: I don't play to lose dammmit! :)

howdy said...


i'm trying to make the game FUN

before i start wooping some ASS!

LOL! so like i told taylor, enjoy

your stay while it lasts. :)

John1964 said...

Well howdy, you and I can have a basement party lol

popperdude said...

woot! I'm in tenth place (as of today) and I have no clue what I'm doing right! LOL!