Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stock Challenge - Week #9

OMG, we are in week #9 and it's already August. isn't it funny how time flys when you're having FUN. lookie loo at who is #1 this week. why it's FMLeo! YAY!! :) Finally, Leo conquers the stock challenge and now is officially the BRIDE and NOT the bridesmaid. LOL! Leo has been going around telling people that he plans to win this contest so NOBODY will win a FREE memberships. lol! what a BEEEE-yatch!!! lol! Good Luck Leo! but it aint over till the Fat lady sings buddy.

*King Taylor is climbing back up the mountain at #44! good job taylor but i dunno how you pulled that off :p


richman said...

yayyy howdy, Leo is number 1, where's psydekick?????

John1964 said...

great post howdy, I wanna see you on page one next week :? and lets get Tay outta the basement

howdy said...

richman LOL! psydekick is in loservilles hahahaha!

rich psydekick had bad luck lol