Sunday, August 16, 2009

To: HostmasterJohn and FratmenLeo

i am appalled and sadden at how taylor was so abruptly taken then snuffed from our grasps and treated like yesterdays garbage. how dare you treat taylor like how you both did. that was such a cruel and harsh way to erase taylor. taylor may have broke the rules but he didn't have to be treated the way he was by Leo on his final days. taylor gave alot to that place and deserved to be treated more graciously than what i've witnessed. how dare you not take the members who love him seriously and disregard our opinions on this matter. how dare you toss him on the streets like he's nothing and his loyal fans are nothing. don't you care about your members? can't you see how many lives taylor has made happy? taylor isn't some piece of trash you can just throw away at a moments notice. how dare you not let taylor share a few happy moments on cam his last couple days by having the fratmen keep him off cam like he's a criminal. don't you care about how we feel? how dare leo come on cam and say i quote "i love sending fratmen home." how inconsiderate, unprofessional and disrespectful to the members of the pad and you think i degrade fratmen?? are we invisible? do you really think his punishment was justified after an entire year of outstanding service to your company? to be sent home so viciously and without warning even after giving a remorseful and sincere apology and even after all the good things he has done for everyone, even after he has made so many lives happier. how dare you!


StrongHands said...

Howdy - while I understand your frustration - and will deeply miss taylor as well, I'm reminded of something I HAD to tell myself frequently when I worked in the HR realm... Managers and Leaders don't choose to fire/terminate employees - employees choose to terminate themselves through their own actions.

I, for one, am proud of the way Taylor handled himself, and of the way he stood up and took his consequences as a man.

The rules exist for valid reasons - and he was well aware of both the rules and the consequences. Taylor made his own descision.

Be proud of who he is, and what he will become.

But don't blame the leadership of "the pad" for following the rules that have been established to protect the privacy of everyone involved.

jostopa said...

In my opinion...big he broke a rule. It sounds too much like hm john is trying to be more of a father then a boss. fml does need to get off of his high horse. He should have just gotten a slap on the wrist and said .."dont do it again." Now the fratmen are probably worried and watch every freaking word they say to not to get fired. I dont blame diego for leaving...

Sylvester said...

I too feel that the Day Taylor left was a Farce. I cannot understand the we can't have him on Cam action. Taylor did break the rules, so what..he could just have had a suspension or fine option. he is smart, i'm sure he wouldn't have done it again. The way it was handled showed no respect to the members who had come to see him off. HM John and Leo do seem to have a problem relating to the members on the site and have lost a number of once loyal members for it. i for one am also considering my membership.

horne said...


I dedicate this song for Taylor and all the lives he touched while he was at the pad:

"Every now and then
we find a special friend
who never lets us down...

Who understands it all
reaches out each time we fall
you're the best friend that I found

I know you can't stay
but a part of you will never, ever go away
your heart will stay...

I'll make a wish for you
and hope it will come true
if life will just be kind
to such a gentle mind

If you lose your way
think back on yesterday
remember me this way
remember me this way

I don't need eyes to see
the love you bring to me
no matter where I go
and I know that you'll be there
forever more a part of me, you're everywhere
I'll always care...

and I'll be right behind your shoulder, watching you
I'll be standing by your side, through all you do
and I won't ever leave
as long as you believe, you just believe

...think back on yesterday and remember me this way"

Originally sung by Jordan Hill from the movie "Casper"

Taylor will always be a part of my life. If Taylor reads this, I hope for him the very best in his future endeavors, and maybe one day, our paths will cross again.

Anonymous said...

I am saddened, though not surprised, by Taylor's sudden departure. It has been clear during this season that Max and Payne will be filling the pals and that truly wonderful young men won't be kept on. I loved Taylor and regret that I wasn't around to say goodbye, but knowing Leo and John from the perspective as an affliate, I don't trust either of them. You were great, Taylor, and you'll be missed. The new pledges are truly awful. Miss Ultraviolet Thunderpussy

John1964 said...

I just wish and pray John gives Taylor a second chance.

TNbuttman said...

Dear "StrongHands,"

Your username is appropriate if you believe in the "strong arm" tactics used on Taylor.

The trouble I find with most H/R professional is they lose sight of the "human." After working for many years in H/R, I realized I was just a tool of management that was rarely ever listened to, just someone to make their "problems" disappear.

Rules do exist for a reason, but there are extenuating circumstances to every situation, ones that need to be taken into account before chopping off heads (and hearts).

Taylor was a valuable asset to the FratPad. If my computer catches a virus, I don't toss it out the window (and all the valuable "programs" it contains). I put it in the shop, figure out the problem, and take measures to HELP prevent future attacks.

We are way too prone to knee-jerk reactions. If a partner cheats once, I'm not one to grab a gun and destroy them utterly (not to mention all the "collateral damage.") Adults reason things out. They attempt understanding.

I don't think Taylor's mistake in judgement was any worse than Leo's choice of words after Taylor's farewell — "I just f*cked your mother." Unfortunate, hurtful, and one would think "against the rules." — probably more damaging to the Fratpad's financial security as it has made many members either cancel or seriously consider doing so. I suspect it flew by without so much as a slap on the wrist.

If they really want to prevent contact with members, they would have to eliminate the ability to PM the fratmen, eliminate their sitemail, monitor all chats, arrange all PVTs thru the management. This is neither desirable nor feasible.

The success of the FratPad depends on member loyalty. (It is far easier to retain a customer than create one.) Coca-Cola once tried to change its formula and force New Coke on the public. The public's reaction is legendary. HM John should take note.

In closing, "The Customer is always right, because if he's not, he's LEFT!"

horne said...


Managment does monitor the chats, even when we are on and the pad has shut down for the night. I also believe, speaking from experience, that they also have members in the chat that are monitoring the relationships between the fratmen and their loyal following. Don't think that pm you just sent Howdy was just between you and Howdy. I have my suspicions on who they are, but I will just keep that to myself for now.


buttman, thank you so much for your support and all of you that have taken the time to voice your feelings and opinions. Love you all

and thanks howdy for the great post and support as well!

Anonymous said...

i doubt that the last kingtaylor post was his... if im wrong then i' m the queen of england


howdy said...

hi taylor!!!!

i miss you sooo much :(

you are a special guy and i'm so proud of how you handle yourself!

you are a great MAN!

i love you dearly my friend :)