Another Bad Hair Day?
Are you having another bad hair day? It's been a while since I posted some of the headgears Taylor had worn on his shows. (See first post here). And since then, he tried on several more headgears. From the old reliable baseball hat (worn backwards this time) to the more eccentric banana peel look, I'm sure there is one suited for any occasion.
My personal favorite is the banana peel. I'm sure people won't notice your hair no matter how bad it looks like, because they will be transfixed on the rotting banana peel on your head.
I think me fave is the baseball hat, but I have to say that green contraption is my second fave lol
How can you go wrong with jester undies on your head in "the kingdom?"
of course my fav is the yellow headband becuz i paid an arm & leg for it :D
Such great memories!! I love you Taylor!!
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