bronkoboi knight
derek, or as most of us know him by bronkoboi, is a 23 year old, young man, that resides in sunny, Ormond Beach, Florida. hmmm... just like his majesty. he is currently a senior, at a large university, majoring in business, and will soon be pursuing an MBA. he's an outdoors guy, that enjoys surfing, tennis, football and kite boarding. i first met derek at one of taylor's shows and have been talking to him ever since; another example of taylor bringing people together and more importantly, people who are genuinely nice. derek, still, to this day, comments on his majesties blog, even though he is no longer a member. i would like to thank derek for continuing to support taylor. derek said "taylor is my sweetheart and i love his whole personality and big blue eyes." awww.... *tear* lol. mahalo, derek, for sharing your time and giving us a peek, into a knight's life.
Awww shucks Howdy you shouldn't have. lol Now I have to vote for you as president. lol I think you over exposed me too. lol I hope this one moves down the line fast lmao Thanks.
I guess you can't be a member AND a fratman. Derek certainly has all the qualifications to work ON the other side of the cam.
Nice to get to know a bit about you, Brnkoboi. You're so sweet to continue your "knighthood" despite the King's absence.
Bronko your an awesome guy!Just one thing,you sent neked pics to Howdy!Are you crazy! lol
Thank you Bronkoboi for all the comments and for being so beautiful!! :-D
wow bronko, quite the hottie
howdy can we not lust over bronko? Thanks. Love you bronko.
i agree with buttman...... go franmen bronks
Bronko might be a cool guy, but certainly he's not who he pretends to be (or look like). The guy on those pics is a brazilian model known as Lebart (google it).
Once again... globalization is a bitch!
Well fuck my ass and call me a bitch, I LOVE BRONKS NO MATTER WHAT!
oops.... lol
i forgot to add "hot model from brazil" to bronko's hobbies. lol
i am sending in my resignation as barbara walter's interviewer to my boss pochaco for bogus informations. LMAO!
♥wuv u bronks :D lol
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