Monday, April 5, 2010

Priceless Jugs

If Taylor ever became game show host of The Price is Right, this would be the kind of contestants that would probably be called up on a regular basis. We have to keep our king entertained as much as possible... and with contestants like this, the show will be a hit with Emcee Taylor. ;)


TNbuttman said...

I bid $10,249 (the price she probably paid for that boob job.

John, hope you had a great Easter, even though it's a busy season for you.

howdy said...


if tay was the host of his own show, i'm sure all of his knights would be in the first row :)

um... except for pochaco. pochaco would be too busy DRIVING :(
oh well... too bad so sad :D

pochaco said...

Sorry HOwdy, I don't do game shows!! :p