Friday, August 21, 2009

Dear hostmasterjohn & fratmenleo

thank you for explaining to us the entire situation with taylor and giving us some closure. i think it's evident that we all LOVE taylor and respect taylor because he is a wonderful and kind human being. i would also like to apologize to both of you for being such a BITCH! LOL! (i really am nice ya know) lol! also, i would like to apologize to any members i have angered and annoyed this past week. as you all know, taylor is and will always be my favorite fratmen and i will stand by his side till the END! also, there was 2 positive things that came out of hosmasterjohns show:

1. hostmasterjohn said that he would NOT rule out taylor doing FMTV shows. thank you john :)

2. hostmasterjohn said that he would LOVE to work with taylor in some capacity in the future. :)

overall, i think this hostmaster hump day show was a SUCCESS!

i would also like to give a SPECIAL apology to LEO for being a jack ass! i hope you forgive me LEO?? i still LOVE you Leo and you too hostmasterjohn. i would like to thank both of you for making the FratPad what it is today, an amazing and special online community like NO OTHER!

i hope we get to see taylor again one day. i LOVE you taylor!

mahalo nui loa,



richman said...

Dear howdy, I didn't watched HMJohn's hump night, I've stopped doing that a long time ago, for we're never told anything then. If you have the time and the patience, next time you see me in the chat, pls PM me. I have been logging in less times, I hate to see Taylor’s room with another guy there, I miss Taylor so much, the Pad is never going to be the same for me after he’s gone.

John1964 said...

aww howdy, so nice to make nice. I think Taylor would want us all to take the high road, as he has so much class, always did, and always will

blip said...

blip is so relieved that the details finally had a full airing and people got to vent.

blip does not believe tater (blip's special name for taylor which people woulda noticed but nobody pays any attention to blip cause he is sooooo RANDOM) would want anybody to quit the pad over something like this. (blip being treated cruelly...that would be a different issue.)

blip regularly watches the archives of Hostmaster John's shows. They are actually peculiarly entertaining.

blip wonders why in none of these shows nobody asks for more chats with toaster or makes a shout out to blip.

blip can start every sentence "blip"

taylor....don't be a stranger.

joshii said...

Dear Howdy,

AHHHHH I for one am so proud of you, we knights have all endured the worse thing ever losing our king but he is still alive and our paths will cross again !!!! I know u were speakin out of anger and sadness-- you know better Taylor wouldnt have wanted you to handle it that way . Taylor played his part in his leavin just as much as the member did--but hey we are all human and make mistakes --what really counts is if we learn from them and become better people. You are a great fighter though never lose that spirit just make sure to fight the good fight cause in the end you will always win .
love u howdy
love and miss u pochaco and john1964
love u taylor till we meet again my friend
love to all my knights RICH, FIGO, DIS, ALL ALL OF YOU


popperdude said...

Howdy you were so upset during HostmasterJohn's show - what caused that change in attitude? Just curious my friend.

jostopa said...

i wish it were true...taylor does deserve to come back..BUT...i doubt he will. Im so sure he wont come back that on the day he does...i will eat a girl out..EWWWWWWWWWWWWW but..i swear i will. I think hm john said that just to appease the tension created by taylor s departure.
--anyways..just an opinion

howdy said...


good question. what i realized was that nothing i was saying to hmjohn was being effective. i then also realized that hmjohn seemed to genuinely care for taylor by him actually pondering the thought of working with taylor in the future. therefore giving me hope that i would be able to see taylor again in the future. when hmjohn said taylor will never be at the pad again, i gave up. i'm just looking for the positives from this and want the best for taylor. plus i do enjoy the fratpad and i do enjoy hmjohn & leo. but now that i have been banned for doing nothing besides voicing my opinion which i stopped after that show, i don't care if i can go back or not.
