Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hi guys! I just finished watching all the goodbye videos on the blog and my emotions are still a li'l bit high. The last few days had been very difficult for me and I'm sure to all of you as well, and I figured it's time for me to speak how I feel and hopefully clear some things up.

I really feel sorry for Taylor because he didn't deserve any of the things that happened to him. He is the victim of one person's selfishness and I don't find him to be at fault at all. He was doomed to take the bait the moment this member came up with that horrible idea of setting him up. This member from the very start has only one intention when he made that offer - and that is to turn Taylor in. So he made this offer that is too good to pass up on and I'm sure anybody in Taylor's situation, at that moment, would have done the same as what Taylor did. Fall into the trap. Taylor's only fault, if at all, was to be a good fratmen which led to this member's obsession. (more on that on a later post).

This is what's making me angry the most. This is how the pad management should have viewed the situation. Instead, the incident was handled so poorly it still makes me feel sick everytime I think of it. Instead of going after the perpetrator of this malicious act, they went after Taylor's head without any consideration to what really happened. Taylor was treated like an outcast, like a criminal. I still feel a suspension would have been enough. It was Taylor's first offense and he exposed ONLY himself and the pad's security wasn't really compromised. I'm sure all of you will agree with me when I say Taylor had brought so much to the pad the whole time he was there, and for him to be treated that way is unacceptable. Funny how we always see members saying to other members that fratmen are not just a piece of meat, when in truth, it's the pad itself that treats the fratmen as such. To make matters worse, the boss came on cam right after Taylor said his goodbye, acting with arrogance and disregard to member's feelings of sadness and loss. Instead of being sympathetic, he made it look like this is what he really wanted to do and was just waiting for a slip up from Taylor. These actions are unethical and are not expected from a company official. And to add insult to injury, the member who created all this mess was in the chatroom while he was doing his show, disgusting!

Maybe it's time for the pad to have a person who can handle himself better when presented with situations like this. One who will act accordingly and fairly. I also hope the traitor to Taylor's trust get his due punishment, which is a lifetime ban from the pad. Not just his username, but the individual himself. If his act go unpunished, what is there to stop me or any other member from setting up other fratmen to commiting mistakes. I also wish the pad management will find the courage to admit to their mistakes and right what is wrong. It is not too late to reverse what has been done and it is always better than living with the consequences.

So now I call on all of you to never stop seeking justice for Taylor. Continue to express your sentiments to HostmasterJohn and ask for Taylor to be allowed back in the pad. Everybody makes mistakes and Taylor deserves a second chance.

Let's bring HONOR back to Taylor's name!


howdy said...

hi pochaco,

i agree 100 percent with you. i believe fratmenleo to be incompassionate, rude and unprofessional to paying members who have devoted alot of time and money to the fratpad. an entire years of bliss thrown away in a day as if it meant nothing. i've known leo for over a year and a half now and always enjoyed him until he acted unethically by opening my gift to taylor and proceeding to play with it without waiting to see who the gift was for. this is a true example of poor management. another instance is when he opend chase's gift and cut a whole in chase shirt and when chase put it on he was like why is there a hole in my shirt. it's because leo uses a knife to open the mailboxes instead of a cutter. members spend alot of money on gifts not to be destroyed by it's manager. anyways this was all overlooked by me however i still was uncomfortable about the way those incidents were handled. leo is a poor manager because he disrespects not only the fratmen but the members too. leo also sitemailed me stating that i degrade ALL fratmen and that i think he makes bad business decisions. well leo, you are right you do make bad business decisions and i do disagree with many things you decide like this incident that was handled so unprofessionally and disrespectful. leo you spend all your time doing antics when you should be focusing on more imporant issues like making sure the computers and cameras are in top notch form. don't u guys remember the phone. well taylor fixed the phone so everybody could do privates. that's just one more of his many contributions to the company. the guys are constantly complaining that they are out of the main foods like milk, bread, butter and eggs. hostmasterjohn, maybe you should consider finding a new mangagement team for the pad. one that is fair, professional and will treat the fratmen plus it's members with dignity and respect.


phoblue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
phoblue said...

a few things i would like to highlight on your posts are:

"Instead of going after the perpetrator of this malicious act, they went after Taylor's head without any consideration to what really happened."

"It was Taylor's first offense and he exposed ONLY himself and the pad's security wasn't really compromised."


"If (the member) act go unpunished, what is there to stop me (pochaco) or any other member from setting up other fratmen to commiting mistakes."

very good argument pochaco.

granted, taylor made a mistake. but this mistake should have been thoroughly analyzed by the employers - considering that the pad's safety was NEVER placed in jeopardy. the interest of your subscribers should also be counted NOT JUST, YOU, THE EMPLOYERS. in addition, fratpad seem to forget this site co-exist with us - your paying members.

i think whoever this "member" is... is disgusting, vindictive, and manipulative son of a B. if taylor is punished, so should the member. toying with someone's occupation and making it your sport/entertainment is not funny. to the "member" - go find a hobby. better yet, go get a life.

i'm with you on this chaco, and i'm sure the knights are with you as well.

and even if you're not a knight... and you believe that taylor was unjustly singled out for punishment. please join us. make an effort to write to hmjohn. together we can help taylor come back, or at the very least - bring his honor back.


BronkoBoi said...

Chaco, Howdy and Phoinix,
I agree with everything totally!It is inconceivable that John and Leo think that they can tarnish Taylors image for an incident that could have easily been handled with less harsh consequences! Taylor has done more to promote the pad and bring new members than any other fratman or Leo and John. Personally, I find HM John's shows to be an insult as he does not even show the slightest respect for the members when he shows up 20 minutes late keeping the members waiting because he thinks his time is more important. He would be well served to limit his cam appearance to once a month(on time). Leo's behavior is the equivalent of trailer trash talk when he says I just fucked your mother(which he said on the night of Tay's goodbye). All of the above is in addition to everything you all have pointed out about Leo's behavior. I have come to the conclusion that HM John just comes on cam to make the members think he cares. The equipment and cams are an absolute joke! I could go on for an hour it pisses me off so much that they get away with this stuff. I will let HM John know how I feel, but I am really considering whether I should continue to support this ridiculous situation. I think they believe that there are millions of potential members so no need to worry about the current ones! In any case thats how I feel! I support all your efforts to resolve this for Taylor!

Anonymous said...

this whole situation has been handled so poorly that it makes me sick. this is not how you stay in business, especially if you show that much blatant disregard to the members and employee's feelings. granted taylor did make a mistake but that one thing shouldn't outweigh what he has done for the company and i know he has been consistently following all the rules. from all his fans, his knights, hell even members who hardly log on anymore --- this goddamn public outcry for him to come back should NOT fall on deaf ears, because if it does then that's just indicative of how badly some people need to be educated on thoughtful, ethical and non-amateur hour management.

taylor is a class act, man. he's touched so many lives (and from a business standpoint - damn well lucrative) so its completely heinous that he has been treated that way.

dont taint the fratpad with this abject mismanagement and dont make taylor an example.

"Funny how we always see members saying to other members that fratmen are not just a piece of meat, when in truth, it's the pad itself that treats the fratmen as such. " i couldnt agree with this more.

you guys ... keep fighting the good fight.

Prof. FigoFan said...

I don't entirely agree with you, pochaco; it seems clear that Taylor made a horrendous error in judgement and broke the Pad's cardinal rule. However, I can think of at least one Fratmen currently at the Pad who has been sent home twice for breaking other cardinal rules but who was allowed to return each time. So it certainly seems unclear to me which rules are cardinal ones and which ones aren't.
And I have absolutely nothing against the Fratmen in question. Rather, I believe that second chances are warranted.
Honestly, the main thing about Taylor's mistake seems to be that it involved money changing hands without management getting a share. Like the other commentators, I have a hard time understanding how Taylor giving out his bank info compromises the Pad's "security" in a meaningful way.
At the very least, it seems to me horrendously unfair that Taylor is punished severely and the member in question not be punished at all.

Anonymous said...

Now that I've had a couple of days to digest this, I realize that something doesn't add up. Taylor get's sent home after ONE transgression? It'd be different if he was a habitual trouble-maker, but Taylor was a complete sweetheart. I think HM John needs to keep a tighter reign on things because Leo has way too much power. As they say, "absolute power corrupts absolutely." And also "suggesting" that Max take a couple of months off... I think we have a arrogant Svengali on our hands. Members keep telling anyone who will listen that we want Taylor back!

smike said...

seems to me leo has it out against taylor...

EvilOne said...

As most of you should know by now, over this and a few other issues, I will have left Fratpad effective upon the first of September. With Taylor gone, and with untrustworthy antics that continue to go on, there just doesn't seem to be a point for me. I won't pay to be around shady people, that much is certain, and there are a number of those who I am exposed to so long as I am at the pad.


With regards to your post pochaco, I will agree that some elements of the recent events surrounding Taylor seem quite suspect and unusual.

I feel Taylor was baited too, but in the eyes of Fratpad authorities it doesn't matter, and we can't blame them for enforcing a rule that was agreed to. Could certain authorities have dealt with things better and not referred to Taylor as a "cancer"? Sure...but nevertheless, as Taylor admitted, he did break a rule. It is an extremely out of character and unfortunate fact, and I don't judge him for it, but it is true. As much as we have major lovins for Taylor, we can't expect management to excuse him for breaking what they say is the worst rule to break. We can however, move forward and persist in our quest to have Taylor forgiven and granted a later return to the pad.

I feel so strongly about Taylor being terminated from the pad, that I would have loved to organize methods of protest, but I'm surprized to discover that some people who have claimed superfandom towards Taylor have not been too interested in trying to have our voices heard and get Taylor back via these means, when I have suggested it.

If any of you are interested, I have tons of ideas on how to go about having our voices heard that are not limited to the HM John show, to say the least.

While I am leaving come September, I would definitely return if Taylor came back. Until then though, you can reach me via email or msn, just contact me through chat if you'd like that information.

I don't know about any of you but I say it's time to band together and do something about what we all feel...even if we aren't successful, we can say we tried. Ultimately, winners never quit, quitters never win.

Contact me if you need to talk, I know plenty of you are still unhappy to say the least.

EvilOne said...

Also may I just say that fratbitch had the best comment in chat on the night of Taylor's departure.


This was a classic moment I think we all should resound, respect and honour, frankly.

Anonymous said...

i know im gonna get attacked for this but i just wanted to make a few points that may not convince any of you of anything but it is something to think about.

well first let me say i love taylor, i think he was a great guy, and a great fratmen and i was very sad to see him go. but was very proud to see him be a man and take responsibility for his part.

but as far as how was the pad security compromised-- i dont think they meant the physical building. though the address on the bank account might have been available to the "member"

i think the greater point was money was changing hands. not because john wants his cut-- but because if there was a situation where the member in question wanted/ or expected some sexual compensation from taylor. now i have no reason to think that this was the case with taylor, but thats the purpose of the rule.

if they allowed that to happen its tantamount to prostitution. THAT is a security risk for the pad and for john and all the fratmen.

that does put the whole business in jepordy. see what im saying?

yes i agree with you that the member in question should be banned. it was rude and coniving and down right evil to do this to taylor. but taylor accepted responsibilty for his part and also admitted that he (and probably all the fratmen) have recived offers like this before and have turned them down. im sure that no contact with fratmen is part of the terms of service and should be a reason to get banned.

now as to the other points i dont think leo was disrespectful. he got on cam after taylors goodbye to answer questions and to give people an opportunity to bitch-- which he has not done after anyother fratmens goodbye to my knowledge. he said several times how he was upset to have to let taylor go -- that taylor is a friend-- and esp at the circumstances. other than that leo is always just leo--

taylor was asked to be stay off the camera which is pretty standard for all fratmen that get fired-- happened to doug and shay too. after their goodbyes it was important that the pad move as normal-- plus if they cant trust the fratmen to not contact members while employed they certainly cant hold them to that rule after they fired.

and if u wanna be upset with leo thats fine, but just realize that as a boss he has to make the tough calls. if he allowed taylor to get away with a supsension it would have sent a message to the other fratmen and to members that this wasnt a big deal. but it was. when ur a boss u cant let one person get away with stuff that u wouldnt let another one.

and also note that taylor never blamed leo for this-- taylor also went out that night with leo as well as the other guys- so clearly he is taking responsibility for his actions.

also have some hope guys-- they also said kent would never come back and he did. they said spencer would never come back and he did. they said alan would never come back and he did too. john isnt vengeful to these guys, he is just running a business.

yes i do think he could do things better with technology and equipment and leo could go shopping everyday. nothing is perfect at the pad or anywhere else in life. but we must keep living.

hold ur head up knights, take a cue from taylor and be classy. air your grievences, mourn the loss of our friend, but dont be mean or petty. i really doubt taylor would be encouraging any of you to boycott the pad or to be disrespectful to john or leo.

i hope i havent angered any of you and i hope you think of a few of my points. and haha no this isnt leo posting :D

John1964 said...

I have cancelled my membership as well as some of you may know. I realize a mistake was made but life is about second chances except for the scumbag (pardon my french) who put this situation on Taylor in the 1st place. The only way I will return is to see Taylor return, then I will be back. I just dont understand how its acceptable for other fratmen, with all due respect of course, to be sent home for breaking the rules and allowed to come back, and Taylor cannot? Its so unfair. I will send an email to HMjohn as well and plea Taylors case because he was a model fratmen. I will not stop fighting for Taylor because he deserves it. He always will.

Lets keep the fight going and never forget our king!

John1964 said...

Oh also, after reading some of these posts... Im not cancelling to "boycott" the pad. Taylor had become very special and lately I was finding myself not really engaging in other shows as much as Taylors shows. Granted we all can get invested with one particular fratmen, as we all do because Im sure everyone has their favorites. So at this stage, with Taylor not at the pad, there is no reason for me to be there anymore, and its not an act of retaliation whatsoever.

adi wira said...

i not understand why have people have dirty hearts. poor my tay tay. why must do like that to tay tay ? why must punish tay tay like this .. very harsh. tay tay dont give up. all knights .. dont give up.. :( ... i tired to tell leo. but never give up.. love to u tay tay. :( . i cried all time see yr goodbye video. HM joHn .. please forgive tay tay..

jostopa said...

- i havent been a member for a while now...i didnt watch his show..but if thats true...and if someone offered taylor a ton of cash for sexual favors..then i'm sorry to say that they made the right call.
- But i dont blame him for being tempted..

jostopa said...

- i havent been a member for a while now...i didnt watch his show..but if thats true...and if someone offered taylor a ton of cash for sexual favors..then i'm sorry to say that they made the right call.
- But i dont blame him for being tempted..

Hunkboy said...

He needs a second chance at the pad. He WAS the pad.

BronkoBoi said...

Answer to Anonymous Post:between evil and John 1964
If you read or heard Taylors goodbye then you would realize that he said no money changed hands. He received nothing from the promise of funding his education by the member. You asked us not to disrespect Leo or HM John, well it works both ways my friend. It is very disrespectful of management to say" I just f'd your Mother" if Leo said that to someone on the street his lights would get punched out! Respect is earned by words and actions and frankly, i don't know of anyone that feels respected when someone schedules a meeting and continually show up 20 minutes or more late and then laughs it off as no big deal. A business owner and manager, that stops the video operation to install software in the middle of cam shows, because they are so inconsiderate that they cannot schedule maintenance between midnight and 10 a.m. when the cams are on down time. How about a business owner that goes on cam and continually makes promises of better equipment etc .that never materializes simply to quiet the members. Perhaps if the owner had kept his promise to start the fratfund for education this definately would never have happened.
Anonymous at least we are not afraid to identify ourselves! This is still America and free speech. If Leo and John don't like what has been said then they truly don't care about members!
P.S. next time don't be afraid to sign your post!

dcale said...

We need to sitemail HM John and Leo day and night. They must think that in time we will just forget about the King. We can't let that happen. Bring up Taylor as often as possible. They'll have no choice but to let Tay back in.

richman said...

pochaco, I totally agree with you. The suffering this situation has caused me/us is unspeakabled. leo told me the ratmember had been banned Sunday morning, still a light punishment to a person so full of hate.
The Pad is never going to be the same for me, Taylor has brightened my days and nights with his sweet personality and awesome good looks.
No one ever is going to take his place in my heart
HMJohn bring my boy back, please!
I love you Taylor!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sylvester said...

I for one will continue to push for a 2nd chance for Taylor in any way that I can, it's the least I owe him as a Friend. I hope that he will return to the Pad (if he wants too). I too think that the managemnt hope that we will forget Taylor and move on to the next fratman. I remember Taylor himself expressing that concern on one of his shows. we told him that would never happen. I for one intend to keep that promise to him. At least I'll know i'd have tried everything I my power to get him reinstated.

We must all keep making our feelings felt to managemant in whatever way we can.


Marcus87 said...

While I do see why Hostmaster John did what he did, it was uncalled for. Im a paying member and I'd like to be considered for once. While what Taylor did was stupid and irresponsible, it could have been dealt with differently. They could have fined him and suspended him. Furthermore, Taylor was a first time offender, and that wasnt even taken into consideration. Somebody better do something about this, and they better do it real soon. Why should I pay my money to a site that doesnt consider me when making such big decisions? Taylor is exactly the type of person I would want working for me. He didnt have to tell us goodbye. And then he went tha extra mile and wrote us a speech and told us the truth. This is truly uncalled for, and I'm thinking of cancelling my membership. Because without Taylor, and soon to be Max, the Pad will crumble and they wont be able to save it

tonton said...

after this maybe managment thinks they should be geting 2tally inane unawesome fratmen so when they kick em out ovr sumthing stupid and lame we wouldnt care like its just sum pronsite

boo!! taylor 4life!!

Anonymous said...

I just read through all of the comments from the last few days. I am so happy that The Kingdom is still sticking by Taylor no matter what. I'm so proud of him. You don't see this many people rally behind just anyone, and especially not someone who just admitted to doing something wrong. Normally that's when people desert you. Not Taylor, and not his Knights. I am so thankful that I got to get to know Taylor and you all. I will forever remember the times we had together. He was such an inspiration to us all. I will never forget how he shared with us his dedication, his ambition, his hopes and dreams, always encouraging us. I assumed he'd always be there trying to make us happy, and am so upset he's gone. The pad has not been the same since he left. It's as if instead of cancer, it was the heart cut out of the pad. Some people say home is where the heart is, and Taylor sure knew how to make us feel at home. I am so sorry to see that so many are leaving because of this, but it warms my heart to see the how close so many were to him. He was one of a kind. He tried to get to know each and every one of us individually and treat us with respect. I know I'm not the only one who will miss him and always wonder how he's doing. He was a great friend of mine and I've only known him 6 months. I can't even begin to imagine how some of you feel who have known him longer. It's so hard to say goodbye to someone you don't want to see go.I feel honored to have been able to be there for it, and ever so thankful, that he was given the chance to do it. I love you guys, thank you for being a friend to Taylor, and Taylor, if you read this, thank you for everything. I wish you all the very best. Psy

ShaunnyBoy said...

I'm still really pissed off. This has been bothering me soo much, it's consumed my own personal life. I have to admit, I get depressed at times, and I know that many of you guys feel the same way as I do when I say that after seeing Taylor's smile, everything just gets better. But after last week when I rushed home around 7:35pm and expected to see Taylor for the last time, I was disappointed to see Leo on cam instead, listing all the rules that were, or may have been broken. In the chat I expected to see a few of us there, but it was so crowded that I couldn't talk to any of you to find out the who, what, when, where, and why's. So in disgust, I logged off. Furthermore, there was a douche bag in the chat who hogged it all, and was saying negative "shit" about Taylor, and I felt like going through my screen to rip the bitch's fucking face off. I have to admit...I speculate that this member was around a few months ago, and recently came back with a different screen name, and knew exactly what he was doing. He may have been loyal to a past fratmen. I'm not saying the fratmen would be to blame, but if I'm correct, could have been "butt" buddies with the member. I've only had one bad incident since I've been a member.
A few months ago I was logged on, (not on Taylor's shift) but I had made the mistake of badmouthing about one of the fratmen at the pad. The fratmen had played a practical joke, but was being a bitch about cleaning up the mess he had made in doing so. The fratmen that the joke was meant for was pissed to say the least, and was asking why the devious fratmen would leave the mess for the other to clean up. That's when I put my 2 cents in and said "That Tragic Bottom won't clean it up because she thinks she's a princess, and she's being a bitch. Someone needs to tell her to clean her shit up." Within seconds another member in the chat somehow got a hold of the "princess" and told her I was in the chat talking shit. How was that fratmen contacted so quickly, and via what means? The princess had a day off, how would she have been contacted this fast?! Well the fratmen logged in to the chat and started PM'ing' me asking me what the problem was, and telling me I wouldn't like what was going to happen next. Next thing you know I'm getting cussed out by the "rat" member and the "princess" fratmen is telling me, "I told you they would get on your case, you should've watched your mouth." After that I had no interest in apologizing, and I steered clear of logging on anytime that douche bag would be on cam. BUT, every time I would be logged on on Taylor, or Max's shifts, the "Rat" member wouldn't say anything, and seconds later I would see the "princess" fratmen "off" cam but in the chat, just waiting for me to say something negative to get on my case again and possibly get me banned. Seriously guys, this happened for about a week, and I did cancel my membership, but I came back a couple weeks later cause I couldn't live without seeing Taylor. Just an example of how loyal a few members are to their favorite fratmen, and I wouldn't doubt for a second that a some members wouldn't stoop to such low to conjure up a plan to get rid of a FAVORED Fratmen, out of jealousy and spite. I know that's not us, and not how we Knights do anything. We would want to protest in the right way, and for all the right reasons. We don't have a jealous bone in us, and we would want to make Taylor proud. We are the knights of King Taylor, and just as Ann Boleyn betrayed King Henry, we knights will find the manipulating guilty bitch and cut off her head to save our King. We shall assemble once more.

Pochaco, if you or anyone else needs any kind of help in the efforts of bringing Taylor back, let me know.

dcale said...

On the Fratpad homepage it now says, "Madison and Kumar are GREAT!!!". Who you trying to convince Leo, us or yourself?

Hornyaussie29 said...

Hi all,
Hope u dont mind me typing something here, but what i want to say is that i have enormous respect for all of you and what you are doing. I am a member in Australia and so I dont get the chance to see the fratmen very often due to time difference, however i do every weekend. I just want to say that I did not have had the bond you all seemed to have had with Taylor, however the times i logged on & spoke to him he gave me the utmost time & treated me like i was special. Even when i wasnt talking to him and just was watching the chat he treated everybody with respect and was so loyal to his fans.
To you Taylor, if u ever see this, I commend you for your honesty to everybody. I admit I didnt know anything about what was happening until I watched the final show and by the end of it I was in tears, I am a man who doesnt cry often. You brought me to tears because you were so open & honest I could see the pain u were feeling & just wanted to open my arms & give u a massive hug!
God bless you Taylor, may you achieve everything you want in life as people like you are very rare! I hope the attempts to get u back on the pad are achieved or at the very least get to see you occasionally.
God bless all of you, and I hope Taylor & you all achive what u want.

TNbuttman said...

After wading thru all the comments, I'm not sure I can add much save expressing my own hearty AMEN, pochaco (and others)!

It seems the ONLY thing the management did right was to let Taylor have a tearful goodbye.

How convenient that the sitemail is being overhauled right when needed most! Hmmmmm???? (Not that HM John has EVER replied to a single email I've sent. He says, "I read them all." Hmmmm??? Actions ALWAYS speak louder than words.)

They banish the King without even revealing the TRAITOR's name. One wonders if "the call is coming from inside the house!"

I leave you with a topic:


At the Fratpad, they are neither human nor relative — DISCUSS!

BronkoBoi said...

Members this is the kind of absurd management the pad employs!!
How outrageous is Leo's judgement!
I can't believe the stupidity of some people! I watched Leo's cam after Taylor spoke to make certain I did not misspeak about him and everything was there as I said. What professional manager talks about fucking someones mother, or tells member sandune to get the fuck out or jokes about old ladies in wheelchairs.
I thought maybe leo should be seen and not heard, but now I don't think he should be seen or heard and should go to school for human relations so he can learn how to stop acting and talking like a street thug! I am not going to post anymore because by commenting on managements ignorance it just might lend credance to them!

Anonymous said...

The treacherous member will get a free pass?! How convenient! I don't like to point fingers, but Leo's actions are starting to look suspicious. Leo, don't hate Taylor because he has the good looks, charm, and charisma you will never have.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I have to disagree. I'm sure all the fratmen are made well aware of the rules that govern the pad and anyone who has ever sent a gift to the pad knows the rules about giving money just as the fratmen know the rules about taking it. So he was set up, the fact of the matter is, he took the bait. You can call it entrapment but this isn't a democracy, its a business and he is an employee. Just like in any other place of employment, if you break the rules, you may lose your job. In Taylor's farewell, he didn't blame the management and neither should we. Their hand was forced and it certainly wouldn't be fair to any of the other fratmen to bend the rules for one. As far for Leo showing compassion, you have to admit, he made the transition into the next fratmen's show easier by taking the barrage of understandably upset members. It's understood that we want to fight for our favorite fratmen but on the other hand our parents wouldn't condone bad behavior. Here's hoping one day he'll return. My apologies if my comments above offended anyone. It's just my opinion and certainly not my intent to hurt any feelings.

JustJayJ. said...

I like Taylor. I always have and I always will. No one likes to see anyone sent home (ok... except for Cody!) But we have to remember that the pad is a business and Leo and John have rules. Taylor knew the rules. He knew them before the situation came up and he knew them after the situation came up. He made a choice and he got caught. It sucks, but if John and Leo let him slide, then what would they do if Shay, Max, Payne, or Jayden got caught doing the same thing? They can't say "the rules are for them but not you."

howdy said...

to: anonymous who just commented. leo is far from compassionate as he FIRED taylor without any kind of second chance or suspension despite taylor having an exlempary history of employee performance. leo was not compassionate as he disregarded taylor's fans of any kind of voice on this matter. we the members are collectively leo's boss. the system management has in place now needs to change. taylor certainly deserved leniance. that is evident by everyone here who is willing to fight for him. i'm sorry i know you love leo & taylor and so do i, but leo clearly has no idea how to handle this situation like a professionl would have. he should have atleast asked us for our opinion on this matter as a paying member and long time loyal fan of taylor i desrve that right. we all do. compassionate? leo was in chat asking members if he should invite the member who was equally to blame for part of this incident back because he thought the member was truthful? is that compassion?? is that ethical?? leo gives members an opportunity to offer this disgusting pig back and don't even have the decency and respect to give taylor's fans that same opportunity. shame on you leo :(

jostopa said...

Not a big fan of leo...but i believe he did the right thing. The pad will go on without leo, without taylor, without shay ...and it should.
- if the product is good..people will continue to buy it. Regardless who is at the pad. The thing of it is...this is probably a good thing for taylor. He did need to move on. I doubt he wanted it to end that way...but sometimes we need a kick in the pants to move forward. Good luck to you taylor...your a good a good person who made a bad judgement call. But then again, among us ..who hasnt??

Z-2-tha-DIDDY said...

Alright guys, so I don't like to get involved in FratPad drama, I usually like to just watch a little frat pad to kill time and then move on with my life.

I'm not saying that I don't care for the Fratmen or the members. I think the fact that I am commenting on here says otherwise.

First of all, lets stop assuming we know the entire situation, I'm sure as I know you are, we only know part of what went on. So to make allegations and assumptions about something we can't fully understand is ludicrous.

You mention "Let's bring HONOR back to Taylor's name!"

Well I didn't know Taylor that well I think I saw two of his shows. Including the last show. I have to say I think he left with a lot of dignity and honor. He screwed up. He admitted it. Now he suffers the consequences he knew at the time of making his choice he was going to suffer.

You also mention that him giving out his information wouldn't have jeopardised the security of the Pad. Well you are WRONG!! Someone having "Taylors" real name could easily allow someone to know the location of "Taylor" therefore knowing the location of "The Pad" and all the other fratmen in it.

Everyday, people are victims of online predators, that's a giving fact. When people have taken it upon themselves to display their "lives" online they only make themselves that much more vulnerable to these predators. Therefore, they have to go to EXTREME measures to protect their livelihood.

We all including myself enjoy giving the Fratmen gifts. Part of the enjoyment is seeing them open the gifts and seeing them first hand enjoy the gift we have given them. Now some member wants to give a frat guy some money. Whats in it for him? We all know, nothing in life is free? This was an offer than even Taylor....your king...could not refuse. Yet you choose to believe that this guy has no ill intention. He's just giving money away. Can we trust that?

I know these Fratmen have god/king like physiques, manly antics, and playboy ways; however, they are merely boys. Some of them just out of high school. They are just beginning to shape their lives. John takes these guys on at a young age. Where their lives are pretty much his responsibility. What if something had happened to "Taylor"? John and Leo have to respond to their families and friends. John and Leo both have to take on the responsibility much greater than just feeding and providing these guys lube. There is a care and protection beyond that, because from the time they are there at the Pad, it is there home. How many of you guys are willing to give out your full names and bank account information in the chat room?

So now you call Leo unethical, rude, ugly, jealous, unprofessional, and on and on and on. Leo has a much greater responsibility to these guys than you think...and especially even to us. If these guys are harmed in any way from some member, The Pad, the Fratmen, and even this blog would be history. I have been a member of this site when it was just a couple of cams and an apt. Now its Frat Cams, bar cam, kitchen cam, pool cam, and on and on and on. Mansion...no pad!!! That success is due in much part by Leo, John has continued to employ Leo for that same reason.

Calling Leo and John names doesn't bring ANY honor to "Taylors" name.

Its funny how in the "REAL" world when people die, devoted Christians will blame god. Yet when things are good we don't say thank you God. I haven't read any thank you Leo blogs or thank you John blogs...for doing such a good job.

Yet we want to hate on the people that brought us Taylor in the first place.

Yes I'm a Leo fan... a Leolite. However I'm not ragging on John or other fratmen because hes not on cam anymore.
These are characters that will come and go like in a movie or sitcom.
(Continued in next comment)

Z-2-tha-DIDDY said...

(continued from last comment)

Leo and John aren't concerned so much about the character as they are about the real person behind the character. The guy we don't know...the guy that has a real life, real issues, a real family. The responsibility to these guys lies on the shoulders of John and Leo. Especially Leo being there all the time. So enough with the "big old mean boss" attitude towards Leo. He has a responsibility. If you guys also failed to realize, he also has feelings and is just as real about life as these guys are. Yet he cant cry on camera because he has a more important job to do.

I think some of you owe John and Leo an apology, yet I'm sure that wont happen, as I'm sure this comment will get deleted pretty soon.

If you want to tell the world to bring Taylor back ...go ahead...scream it. Start your petitions now!!!!
But don't hate on the guys that work day and night to protect your Kings. We all have responsibilities and rules to live by. Sometimes we break them and we suffer from it. But like Taylor said and I believe him ....He will learn from it, and so should we.

So come on fellas cut the name calling and foolishness. No time for that.



Prof. FigoFan said...

Dear Leolites,

Don't you have your own blog to post on?

JustJayJ. said...

Figo, I'm sorry it's come to this. I've always liked Leo and I've always liked Taylor. I didn't want to see Taylor go. I'm sorry that because I like Leo you would prefer that I not participate in Taylor's blog any more and "go post on another blog." It's sad that the community of friends that all were has been shredded because of Taylor's leaving. It appears that friendships have been discarded because of which fratmen certain members chose to like or not like. And that is sad. But Figo, I will take your advice and not post on here ever again. Farewell.

Unknown said...

ZZ Diddy:
For the record, I do not hate Leo and John. I don't hate any fratmen or members, however, what possible
safety concern for the fratmen justifies allowing a member that perpetrated this whole incident to go unpunished and allowed to keep his membership as Leo would like to do??? Taylor gets sent home forever and the member get the purple heart. Give me a break. Lets not forget that Leo is only going to be 23 this month too. He has no better judgement than the other fratmen.

Tyreese said...

OKAY. I'm officially ticked. Ready? Let's get a few things straight. I've held my tongue WAYY to long on this matter worrying about which one of my friends on the site that like Taylor, will not want to talk to me anymore. Seeing as this is an East Side VS West Side ordeal. I'm taking a stance... and I'm naming names. I don't care.

1. JJJ, I love you. You have an opinion JUST like everyone else on this has stated more then once.. in multiple paragraphs.. or grammatically incorrect sentences. EVERYONE should have a chance to speak. So keep posting. :D
2. Let's get 1 think straight. Taylor said that this member got his bank account information. Let us imagine for a second.. that this was a not so sane member. Do you know how easy it is to trace where and when someone has deposited money. Could this more or less then determined person not FIND the pad and go on a killing spree? It could happen. >_> TAYLOR made the choice to not obey the rules. TAYLOR made the decision to hand over this information and HIDE it from the members that are defending him now. What does that say about you all? You sit here and defend someone who was going behind your back to get further in HIS OWN life using all the wrong ways. TAYLOR. WAS. WRONG.

3. The day of Taylor's goodbye, and even the days after it, I saw people saying that 'Taylor did nothing wrong'. 'Taylor we love you no matter what.. you are innocent.' I don't agree. I feel like he did the crime and got the deserved punishment.

4. Let's get it CLEAR. I am in NO MEANS a Leolite or a Knight. But let's make is CLEAR.. how do I put this.. Leo doesn't fucking own FRATPAD.. John does. The decision to let Taylor go WOULD untimatley have to be JOHN's not LEO. Just because Leo has to do the deed doesn't NECESSARILY mean that he is the power behind it. This COULD have been Leo's IDEA but John in a SECOND could have brung down the ALl Mighty Hand of Fratpad and stopped Taylor leaving? Did he? NO. Taylor is gone. Which means that John's Okay'd this.

5. Taylor is NOT the Fratpad. The FRATMEN make up Fratpad. It's not.. Taylor featuring everyone else. Let's get that out of the way.

6. Howdy.. I love you but.. I'm about to let you have it. Howdy, Leo is NOT in compassionate, rude,and unprofessional. If he was, your ass would have been banned a LONG time ago. Thanks. Count your blessings that Leo has taken all the shit that half of the chat throws at him on a daily basis. Max boots your every 2 words you say. Does Leo? NO. So.. calm down. I honestly DARE you to take do what he has to do. I think I can speak for all of us when I say.. We wouldn't last a week. You want new management? PLEASE bring it to John's attention that you will personally go find someone else to take Leo's spot. Until then, sit down, shut up, and be happy. =)

7. I don't want this all to be negative.. so here we go: I liked Taylor as a Fratmen while he was here. He did many positive things for the pad and I wish him all the best in the real world.. I do completely and wholeheartedly agree that the member (I have my suspicions) that did this should rot in the depths of hell.. Taylor is and will be deeply missed at the Fratpad and I, again, wish him all the best.

I feel like this, from here on in would be nothing but a ramble, so I'll end it here. =P I hope you all give me constructive and INTELLIGENT replays to my point of view on the situation. I hope that this won't sever and friendships that I have built at the pad because I do cherish them! :) (.. most of them) But I do know, inevitably, that some part of this will tweak someone the wrong way and set them off.. so I'm excited! :D


TripleX said...

I was reading through a few of the comments and would like to address how Taylor jeopardized the safety of the pad. By giving out his bank information he more than likely had to give out his routing number for transfers which would have giving the member access to the name of the bank he uses, transaction histories and moreover, his real name.
Using the transaction histories, the member would know the places he frequents and the general location of the pad.
Now suppose Taylor used social networking (facebook, myspace, etc.) and kept other fratmen as his friends and those fratmen used their real names on those sites; it's a domino effect waiting to happen. I know this may all seem like a stretch, but being in the banking industry, it's not far off from the reality of the situation. I don't think Taylor was fully aware of the ramifications when he made his decision.

phoblue said...


you're a drama queen. obvi much? lol

anyhoos, i'm sure most understand that taylor is in the wrong. but what we're trying to do here is elevate the termination to a suspension. many people here, and i'm certain so have you, had grown attached to a particular fratmen. though unhealthy, who cares? point is, we all log in for a reason. and whatever that is has a commonality - the fratmen.

we're all entitled to our opinions and howdy is more than welcome to voice out his about leo. leo manages the site and has some influence as to which fratmen stays and who goes. howdy and some members are just writing their frustrations as to how leo managed the whole ordeal. personally, i feel that leo should have been more tactful.

overall, what matters is... taylor is loved, and should at least be considered to come back. fratpad management should review this matter further, and talk to their paying members on mainchat about it. our opinion should count. a "deserved punishment" (quoting you) is a suspension NOT a termination.

see u on mainchat ;-)


Unknown said...

Well put Phoinix.

POTUS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
howdy said...

hi tyreese :/

all i can do is LOL at your comment you little turdburglar.


thanks for cheering me up with a good LAUGH! :)

i tell ya man, kids now days. *rolls eyes* :)

i love you too tyreese :)

p.s. max loves me more than u mmkay :P

howdy said...

oh and Z-2-tha-DIDDY,

i fell asleep half way thru your long ass comment because you are rambling. LOL! listen, i love leo also, but in a nutshell, i think he's incompetent and unprofessional to be in an executive position at the pad. i believe that because of Leo the pad has not seen it's true and much greater potential!

Tyreese said...

Phoblu, I'm not a drama queen! Thanks. =( And I completely respect that you say that Leo should be more tactful, I disagree, but respect your opinion. You must agree that there is a HUGH difference between someone saying he needs to be more tactful then someone saying that he is in-compassionate, rude, and unprofessional. There is a HUGE difference.
Howdy. Max likes me more.. keep dreaming.

phoblue said...



*pulls out dictionary*
tactful: 1. having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others. 2. showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people.

*pulls out thesaurus*
diplomatic, discreet, considerate, sensitive, understanding, thoughtful, delicate, judicious, politic, perceptive, subtle, courteous, polite, decorous, respectful

i don't know... sounds like a quality trait to me to be considered professional.

don't get me wrong. leo is awesome at his job - technically speaking. but it's how leo handled the aftermath. he was insensitive to the members that adores taylor. openly saying "in-compassionate and rude" things on cam that deemed him "unprofessional" to some members. when it comes to being tactful, which is a necessary requirement, in any profession, especially in a situation like this - leo lacks. sad face.

anddd to both you and howdy, hollur? maxxx loves me more. LMAO LOL HAHAAH. jokes jokes HAR HAR HAR.. - no... not joking... it's foh reals!

but i do love you both ;-) ,

popperdude said...

I think what I'm hearing from reading the comments is that the management, i.e. Leo, could have shown a little tact and shown *some* degree of sympathy about the situation. I agree he had a tough act to follow Taylor and deal with all the members, but I could see he was uncomfortable. Also, I do believe Leo called Taylor "a cancer in the house." VERY unprofessional. But I'm not raggin on Leo, simply commenting on facts.

I also think that EVERYONE's opinion should be welcomed here. Not everyone's gonna agree ok?

Yes, I believe that what Taylor did was against the rules, but I also agree with what Pochaco wrote originally. I also agree with PhoBlue and others about the injustice of this all - especially the possibility of allowing the "member" access again to the site. This is screwed up beyond belief.

Ya'll said pretty much everything else. I'm just echoing it. I miss taylor and yes he did screw up - but I think it was too harsh a punishment. Just my opinion.