Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keep the candle burning

Hey everyone, let's all keep the candle burning for Taylor. Taylor, if you see this, please know that my dedication to you will always burn bright like this candle. No matter what happens, I will stand by you as I am sure all the knights and members who cared so deeply for you will. And until our paths cross again, please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers.


howdy said...

okay john i got my lighter in D airs!! :) LOL!

i love you taylor :)

you are a MAN!

Psydekick said...

Candles symbolize wisdom and brightness illuminating the darkness of ignorance—a single lit candle can illuminate a room that has been dark for a thousand years. The candle also represents the act of giving as it gives of itself so that others may see.

sure sounds like taylor to me

thanks john, love you too bud.

Unknown said...

'And it seems to me, you lived your life, like a candle in the wind, never fading with the sunset, when the rain set in, and your footsteps will always burn on the fratpad's hot cement...your candle burned out long before, howdy cut the cheese..." LOL!!! Just missing goofy Taylor!

TNbuttman said...

Taylor lit the fire of love in my heart. Now John has lit a candle of hope.

Thank you for bringing some light to this dark hour of my soul.

popperdude said...

Thank you John!

Unknown said...

Yes, John, we will keep the candle burning for our King. for taylor.
Thank you John, keep posting.

Sylvester said...

Taylor brought a little light into everyones life. It only took his smile and a twinkle in those playful eyes to brighten my day no matter how bad it had been. I'll remember that always.