Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You're Still You

Here is another great song dedicated to you Taylor. It always amazes me when I see the love you project and receive. You're Still You even after all this time. I feel I get to know you better each time I see you and I love you more each day.

Love you


Monday, March 30, 2009

the Return of T-Smooth

As a birthday surprise for HighTide's birthday, T-Smooth stole one of the king's "jesters" for an evening of frivolity & wicked delight.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The first joy of the day...

is the first ray of the sun that touches the face of my man, and colors him, and awakens him, and from there he gets the energy that makes him who he is, bright, warm, friendly, hot, there's so much love in him...

Saturday, March 28, 2009


They don't love you like I love you
They don't love me like you love me?
by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

A Puzzlement

Despite endless hours of watching this amazing fellow, all the twisting & turning, I doubt I'll ever tire of the puzzle that is Taylor.

Just when you think you've seen it all, another face(t) surfaces to amuse or bemuse.

Friday, March 27, 2009

King of Beers for the King

Who would've thought a can of Bud Light can bring this much joy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Better Man


You are truly an amazing person and I find you inspiring as well. You have so much heart and though I know I may sound like a broken record, you mean so much to me. The pad comes alive when you are on CAM and the love you receive is a testament to the person you are. Your love and kindness make me strive to be a better man.

Love you


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Professor

Happy Birthday to one of my closest friend at FratPad.

Monday, March 23, 2009

T-Smooth Resurrection

Yes, you read it right. After a long absence, T-Smooth made an unexpected comeback late last night. And OMG, is that what I think it is he is holding in his left hand? Now, can somebody explain to me how did T-Smooth lose 38-42 at the poll? I think we need to have a recall poll lol. Anyway, Taylor wants to know if he should unleash T-Smooth every now and then when he has the late shifts. Please leave your opinion about T-Smooth at the comments section and let Taylor know.

The Phantom of the Pad

Late at night, a tormented soul roams the empty rooms of the mansion, who could be such horrifying ghost, what does it want, haunting the kitchen at late hours...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rejoice... The King is Back!

My, what a long week!
After six long days of being off-cam, Fratmen Taylor is finally back on the schedule. Well-rested and has stories to tell about his trip to Las Vegas, I'm sure it's gonna be a fun-filled night. I'm also sure he missed all of us as much as we missed him so be sure to check him out and say hi. His first shift starts at 7pm PDT.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Remember When

During this week without Taylor, I had a chance to check out his archives and had time to reflect on our favorite fratman. I hope that you all will do the same.
Remember When- The first time you saw Taylor on cam. For me it was on Fratmen TV and I still love watching his first show.
Remember When- The first time you realized how special our friend really is...
Remember When- The first time you knew how much you loved him.
I came across this song by accident the other day and I think it fits perfectly. Taylor brings a lot of joy to me and to all of us. I am so thankful to share all of this joy with you.

Taylor, I love you so much!!!


Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In a week of silence...

Taylor is not just a visual phenomenon, but an aural one as well. Besides the rich baritone growl of his speaking voice, he has a seemingly inexhaustible variety of sound effects and character voices he can draw from. In celebration of this vocal talent, we propose a new poll. Look to your right and scroll down to vote for your favorite Taylor vocal "effect."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Bury a Dead Loofah

How to bury a dead loofah... the Fratmen Taylor way.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A week without Taylor

Its only been two days and I am missing Taylor a lot. But this is a good time to do a private with him if you have been thinking about it and/or if you have never done one. (or even if you have) I think it is about that time for me. Send Taylor a sitemail if you are interested and he can fill you in.

Love you Taylor


Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break

As some of you devoted Taylor-watchers may know, this week is his spring break. You may also know that he was debating whether to go somewhere. In any case, through some (mis)communication between Taylor and Leo, who makes the schedule, Leo gave Taylor the week off, although Taylor's not going anywhere. That leaves the rest of us with the time to watch the other guys, do some spring cleaning, catch up on TV watching and reading, and, you know, get out and enjoy the real world. Now get out there and have fun!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The King and The Twins

Fratmen Taylor and all the Knights would like to welcome the new pledges to FratPad. Say hello to Fratmen Dustin and Fratmen Darren. Yes they are twins and that means double the fun. That's Dustin on the left and Darren on the right by the way.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm Gonna Be Around

I'm Gonna Be Around
by Michael Learns To Rock
It's been so long since we took the time
To share the words, from deep inside us
We're in our own world spinning our wheels
But you know how I feel
Well since the first time I took your hand
My love for you, has just been growing
You always seem to understand
You know how I am
I'm gonna love you 'til the end
I'm gonna be, your very true friend
I want to share your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around
When you're alone 'coz I'm away
Don't be sad, don't be afraid
I'm gonna turn my thoughts to you
Like I always do
Catch you when you fall, hold you when you're down
Sharing every moment
I want to show you all I do
I believe I found a miracle... in you

Friday, March 13, 2009

For some reason...

For some reason, the first time I saw Taylor, this ancient greek Poseidon statue come immediately to my mind. His heroic powerful torso is like a god's, his proportions, perfect.
What more can a guy ask for...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

They're baaack

For those of you who missed it the first time, or for those of us who simply have to see it again, the scandalous Sex Tape made by and starring Taylor and Max is available via pay-per-view at the Pad. Get your credit card out, click on the picture above, and--have fun!

Monday, March 9, 2009



I am so thankful I met you and that I came to the pad for you. You are an amazing person and I love you very much. Its been so fun at the pad and the members are like a second family. I have met many wonderful people.

I am so thankful for you all!!



Sunday, March 8, 2009


What is in this messy room that makes it feel so alive?

The afternoon light through the patio doors, the open books on the table, the laptop, the skates on the floor?
It’s as if Taylor would come in again anytime , he’s just been there, the air still has his scent..
And study for a test, chat with his friends, dream of the future...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

King Taylor Wants You!

Calling all loyal knights and subjects...

Cum one, cum all to the FratPad. A good time is guaranteed if your taste includes an athletic young hunk with a fun personality, polite manners, and a royal scepter.

Beauty and Madness

Beauty and Madness
by Fra Lippo Lippi
"Who will see the beauty in your life
And who will be there to hear you when you call
Who will see the madness in your life
And who will be there to catch you if you fall"

Thursday, March 5, 2009


What with all that's been happening here on the blog, not to mention the Pad (welcome back, Taj!), let's take a moment to catch our collective breath, shall we?

Perhaps the biggest piece of news that you might not have heard is that Taylor has picked a winner in the 2nd and latest "Caption This" contest created by pochaco. (See post from February 26 below.) Congratulations, tbone!

In the blog's latest poll, all of us knights (100 strong!) have voted, by a solid majority, that our preference is that Taylor NOT shave his chest. Got that, big guy?

If you're a recent Taylor convert, or just new to the blog, you might want to catch up some past posts, including contributions by Disney (February 11), buttman (February 18), PD (February 15), EvilOne (February 27) and tbone himself (February 25).

Let this also serve as a reminder that your humble blog editors are always open to submission from any and all Taylor fans. If you're interested, let pochaco, richman, howdy or me know.

Finally, those of you who missed the Taylor/Max duo can at least check out howdy's review of it, published here on December 11 of last year. (My, how time flies...) You never know, maybe Hostmaster John will decide to re-run it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

taylor's RIDE

one scorching hot afternoon taylor drenches his sexy cool bike and himself with the fratpad garden hose

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009


The magazine "Vanity Fair" has a questionnaire that it asks celebrities to fill out, publishing their answers. It and (more importantly) Taylor's answers are below.

The Proust Questionnaire
The Proust Questionnaire has its origins in a parlor game popularized (though not devised) by Marcel Proust, the French essayist and novelist, who believed that, in answering these questions, an individual reveals his or her true nature. Here is the basic Proust Questionnaire.
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Success at the highest degree, having people to love and having them close to you.
2. What is your greatest fear? My family being harmed
3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
A tendency to lie at times for stupid reasons when i could just tell the truth
4. What is the trait you most deplore in others? It's ironic, but: lying...and fakeness
5. Which living person do you most admire? My mother
6. What is your greatest extravagance? My bubbly personality :)
7. What is your current state of mind? Content
8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Temperance
9. On what occasion do you lie? When I think lying will make things seem better than if I were to tell the truth
10. What do you most dislike about your appearance? Hair
11. Which living person do you most despise? I don't know if I can ever really despise someone... I live to forgive and forget
12. What is the quality you most like in a man? Confidence
13. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Independence
14. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? "Turdburglar" lol
15. What or who is the greatest love of your life? I don't think I can say I have loved yet in my life, unless my mother is included; if so, she takes the cake.
16. When and where were you happiest? At the Fratpad of course ;) I loved Fiji but here is nice as well
17. Which talent would you most like to have? To be an incredible and versatile dancer of many dancing styles
18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My procrastination habits
19. What do you consider your greatest achievement? NJCAA National Football Champion
20. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be? As a peaceful animal
21. Where would you most like to live? A metropolitan area until I got married and had kids then a suburban or rural area
22. What is your most treasured possession? My Brokerage Account
23. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? When you have nothing, no loved ones, friends, money, and a sense of being so alone.
24. What is your favorite occupation? come on.... lol FRATPAD!!!!!
25. What is your most marked characteristic? personality, big booty? lol
26. What do you most value in your friends? genuineness, companionship, similar interests
27. Who are your favorite writers? Shakespeare
28. Who is your hero of fiction? Has to be Don Juan of course
29. Which historical figure do you most identify with? Abraham Lincoln
30. Who are your heroes in real life? My mom and dad
31. What are your favorite names? Taylor? lol i dunno...
32. What is it that you most dislike? Bossiness, "High horse riders", "shit-don't-stink" people
33. What is your greatest regret? Past actions, cheating on girlfriends, losing the potential "one" (potential wife)
34. How would you like to die? Satisfied spiritually, happy, painfree, with my loved loves close to me
35. What is your motto? "Live Everyday Like It's Your Last"

Sunday, March 1, 2009

WOW! taylor smashes 20,000 hits

taylor has surged full throttle ahead of 20 thousand views breaking records and establishing himself as one of the most LOVED fratmen ever. taylor has come a long way from 7 months ago when he did his first live show all nervous. (lol) taylor continues to have the same followers from day one plus many new faces along the way. this blog was created by the genius Pochaco with the assistance of his staff: Richman, HOwdy and Professor. taylor is a beautiful human being. he is generous, kind, sweet, caring, intelligent, funny, goofy, mature, respectful and a blast to chat with. taylor is everything you would want in a man. let’s wish taylor luck in the future and hope good things come his way. taylor deserves all the attention and admiration he receives from his fans. congratulations taylor on this historic occasion. you did it again taylor so sit back, relax, take a deep breath, sigh and simply say WOW!